First United Presbyterian Church
Bushnell, Illinois
I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Psalm 104:33
In 1978, handbells were purchased as a memorial to early church choir members.
First Presbyterian Church has a deep background in music. The Chancel Choir has been providing the vocal word since the church was organized. In the early 1900's, many talented church musicians composed an orchestra that entertained regularly. A Kimbal pipe organ was installed in it's special alcove in 1907 and in 1947 was moved to its present day location. In 1927, the church held their first Christmas Eve program that continues to this day.
The Lenten Season has always been musically adorned with performances on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and on Easter with a Sunrise Service. The church school has provided music at different times with the highlight being a Christmas play.